My inbox has become a kaleidoscopic staging post of human diversity. A few requests are noteworthy for tutorial reasons:
First, a world-renowned expert on the peer-review process asked me to release the names of the people who reviewed my paper. I will leave it up to the commenters below to explain why I couldn’t possibly conform to that request.
Another, more modest, request was as follows:
“It is my understanding that there were two and possibly three different forms of the survey sent out to Blog Sites:
Survey ID=HKMKNF_991e2415
Survey ID=HKMKNG_ee191483
Survey ID=HKMKNI_9a13984
Are you able to confirm that 3 different instruments were used in your survey and, if that is the case, could you provide me with the different copies and indicate the reason they were used.”
I laud the stirring dedication to investigative Googling. Alas, this highly relevant detective work is far from perfect.
If I am not mistaken, I can indeed confirm that there were 4—not 3—versions of the survey (unless that was the number of my birth certificates, I am never quite sure, so many numbers to keep track of… Mr. McIntyre’s dog misplaced an email under a pastrami sandwich a mere 8.9253077595543363 days ago, and I have grown at least one tail and several new horns over the last few days, all of which are frightfully independent and hard to keep track of).
Finally this new friend from Conspirania is getting some legs.
About time, too, I was getting lonely.
Astute readers will have noted that if the Survey ID’s from above are vertically concatenated and then viewed backwards at 33 rpm, they read “Mitt Romney was born in North Korea.”
To understand the relevance of Mr Romney’s place of birth requires a secret code word. This code word, provided below, ought to be committed to memory before burning this post.
So here it is, the secret code. Read it backwards: gnicnalabretnuoc.
Translations are available in any textbook for Methodology 101.